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Recent Content by BlackBox77

  1. B

    WM6.5 ROM V07 (Core 21202) - ETEN X650 (NEW)

    Hoping for x650 21502 RC build? ;;) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=474406 Thank you Uncle Quang!
  2. B


    Thanks for your hard work! Your tools works perfect! Can I hope for a full kitchen for x650? I try diferent coking tools from XDA but they not work on Eten. :(( Thanks again Uncle Quang! =D>
  3. B

    WM6.5 ROM V07 (Core 21202) - ETEN X650 (NEW)

    Found the answer for this problem: "Windows Media Player sometimes stop playing after 10-20 sec and move to another track" This error is generated because WMP is not having enough memory to play the MP3. So... is not a real bug! Hope this helps! :)
  4. B

    WM6.5 ROM V07 (Core 21202) - ETEN X650 (NEW)

    Ok! Tested for 24h! Goods: - Speed - More free memory - better reponse to the finger touches Small bugs: - the joystick is messed up (right-left is up-down) - Windows Media Player sometimes stop playing after 10-20 sec and move to another track But I love it! Very good job! =D>...
  5. B

    WM6.5 ROM V07 (Core 21202) - ETEN X650 (NEW)

    Thank you! =D> Testing now!
  6. B

    WM6.5 ROM V06 (Core 21189) - ETEN X650

    Thanks! I love it! I appreciated your work! =D> Now waiting for V7... ;;)