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Cập nhật PwnageTool v4.3.2 và ultrasn0w v1.2.2 hổ trợ FW 4.3.2


New Member
Cập nhật PwnageTool v4.3.2
Ultrasn0w v1.2.2


Thông tin:

Only a few weeks after the 4.3.1 untether created by [URL="http://twitter.com/i0n1c"]@i0n1c[/URL]  was released, Apple pushed out firmware 4.3.2. Thankfully, it appears  Apple didn’t have a chance to fix the hole used by @i0n1c’s untether, so  he ported his code over to 4.3.2’s kernel.  Today’s redsn0w has been  updated to include it.
 The 4.3.2 untether works on all devices that actually support 4.3.2 except for the iPad2:
[*]iPhone4 (GSM)
[*]iPod touch 3G
[*]iPod touch 4G
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cài Ultrasn0w 1.2.2 cho FW 4.3.2.
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