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Cryptocus v1.6 - App Mã Hóa - Giải Mã Email / SMS!


Super V.I.P
Cryptocus, encode and decode your Email / SMS fast and easy
Category: Utilities
Price: $3.99
Released: Aug 26, 2009
Size: 0.7 MB
Seller: Thomas Schober
Latest version:

Everyone of us has a few secrets and that's good.

The only problem is that everyone can look up your email or SMS memory very fast and read old messages.

But do not worry. This will be no problem anymore. The secret relationship or trade secrets will be hidden.

With this program you can encrypt and decrypt any text message.

A detailed manual will help you to understand the app quickly.

Create profiles and manage the encryption keys for each of your contacts and communicate quickly and easily.

Use "CryptoFast" to write a message immediately.

It is as simple.

New in this version Completely new user interface
Create / save / edit / delete different profiles to allow faster communication
Better language settings with appropriate instructions
"CryptoFast" for quick and easy communication

App ứng dụng rất hay để mã hóa và giấu đi những thông tin mà bạn không muốn ai đọc được...
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