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Fieldrunners v1.2.2 - Games chiến thuật tuyệt vời


New Member

Subatomic Studios, LLC
Category: Games
Price: $4.99
Released: Sep 29, 2008
Size: 9.2 MB
Seller: Subatomic Studios, LLC
Latest version: 1.2.2
Cracked by tongbinhnguyen


- Added the ability to fast forward through the game. This feature is unlocked at round 75 on a per map basis.
- Changed the configuration of fieldrunners that spawn in Extended and Endless mode making for a more challenging experience when playing through these modes.
- Fixed the execution of the endgame routine that declares victory at round 100 in Extended mode.
- Fixed audio from going silent when the device is interrupted (e.g., from an incoming phone call).
- Fixed the ability to trap the fieldrunners in a cage of towers.
- Fixed the deletion of save games when the device is backed up via iTunes.
- Fixed a random crash issue in the audio engine.
- Added a score bonus that is awarded for each remaining resource at the end of the game.
- Increased the score penalty for selling a tower.
- Increased the cost bubble on several of the icons so that it accommodates the width of the text.
- Increased the speed of the goo that is fired from the goo tower.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/tenzy0ww2g5/Fieldrunners 1.2.2.ipa


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