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iHear Dialer v1.0 - App Gọi Số Phone Mới!


Super V.I.P
iHear Dialer
KayZee Solutions
Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99
Released: Mar 05, 2009
Size: 1.4 MB
Seller: KayZee Solutions, Sole Proprietorship
Latest version: 1.0

Have you ever tried dialing a number without looking at your phone? Impossible on a touch screen isn’t it? Well not anymore...

iHear Dialer allows you to dial phone numbers without looking at the keypad. As you move your hand around on the keypad, the dialer will tell you what number your finger is on and when you want that number, just release your finger!

View a demo video at www.KayZeeSolutions.com or click on "KayZee Solutions Web Site" below.

iHear Dialer was created with blind and visually impaired users in mind, but it’s also great for anyone to dial a number without looking.

You might be thinking that a voice dialer would solve this problem and for some people it will. However, most voice dialers require you to sign up on some website and upload all of your contacts to their computers. They usually require an internet connection and will use your data plan to work properly. iHear Dialer can be used anytime, anywhere...no connections required.

iHear Dialer allows you to:
- Dial phone numbers without looking at the keypad
- Dial your last 6 previous numbers (History tab)
- Choose between 2 voices (Alex & Jules)
- Display or remove hyphens as you dial numbers

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