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MirageMoney 2{Motion controlled Game}


Super V.I.P
Game này giống game Mosquitos trên S60: dùng camera máy để hứng tiền.
Có 2 loại đồng bạc và đồng vàng. Hứng trong thời gian khoảng 2phut.

Trước khi chơi nên vào How to play. Thấy nó ghi dùng Acclerometer nên không biết ngoài N95, N82 thì các máy kia có chơi được không. các bạn test thừ nhé.

Sau đây là nguyên đoạn giời thiệu bằng tiếng ANH và link để Activation (phải activate mới khỏi bị làm phiền).

“Mirage Money” includes two different mode. The first one is called “Real Mirage”.


This mode is partly virtual and partly real. The user must open the camera protector to let the game implement your real environment captured with the phone camera.

This looks amazing and it’s great fun to try to achieve the game’s target in your own environment: to collect as many coins as possible in a time of two minutes.


You can collect the two different kins of coins, golden and silver ones, by “colliding” with them with your screen.


The other mode “Virtual Mirage” lets you play in a virtual 3D environment.


The 3D graphics look pretty impressive and it’s also great fun to play in this virtual world of meadows, hills and a blue sky.


The gaming principle is exactly the same as in “Real Mirage”. However, it’s easier to play in the virtual world, because you can really “move around” there. This is of course not possible in the real world: only the coins are moving to give the gamer an impression of movement.


The speed of how fast you are moving through the world can be changed: The little bar at the right shows the current speed…


which I can rise with a press on the “Up” key as you can see in the screenshot. Of course you can also slow the speed down again with a “Down” key press.

“Mirage Money” is a must have if you like accelerometer applications, not only because it is the one of the first games which uses motion control meaningfully. It’s great fun to collect money into your own living room or in a wonderfully looking virtual world!


MirageMoney2 is the new version of the "bit hit" MirageMoney which you all liked! The game utilizes the accelerometer sensor (motion sensor) on phones by implementing the MIRAGE-X API we developed. The orientation readings from the sensor are used as game input to control flying maneuvers in 3-D worlds.

The game is part of a PhD research project in the Department of Communication Systems at Lancaster University in the UK. The purpose of this project is to study people's reaction and affection to the concept of mixed reality in mobile applications where motion from the real world is being augmented, or mixed, onto the 3-D virtual world in a mobile environment.

For further information please contact us.

We appreciate your comments, suggestions and feedback.

What's New

The new version of MirageMoney has lots of new features and fixes based on the feedback and comments we received from all those who tested and played the first version. So we owe you all a BIG thank you for making this new release better (we hope you see it that way too)!

Ok, so what is new in this version? Here you are the list:

- New skybox look
- More coins in the sky to make it easier and faster for you to get wealthy
- Sound on/off option
- Game activation needed
- Auto calibration for plane orientation when returning to idle state (phone horizontal and perpendicular to floor)
- Extended play time (3 minutes)
- Banks to deposit coins in
- More challenging game play by adding a logic to track how many coins you have collected and reflect that on your plane's speed and weight
- Some bugs fixed

We know that some complained about the music in the background but at the same time many wanted to know the source. Unfortunately, the source could not be identified! We are looking for ways to personalize the game with your favorite music.

MirageMoney2 is totally free to download and distribute.
It is not allowed to directly or indirectly sell it.
The application is provided as is without any guarantees.

Make sure to uninstall the old version of MirageMoney from your phone before installing the new one.
Note that you will need to activate the game from the activate page after you install it.
You will be able to play it two times before it is deactivated.
The activation process is TOTALLY FREE of charge!

Activation Page



New Member
Game này giống game Mosquitos trên S60: dùng camera máy để hứng tiền.
Có 2 loại đồng bạc và đồng vàng. Hứng trong thời gian khoảng 2phut.

Trước khi chơi nên vào How to play. Thấy nó ghi dùng Acclerometer nên không biết ngoài N95, N82 thì các máy kia có chơi được không. các bạn test thừ nhé.

Sau đây là nguyên đoạn giời thiệu bằng tiếng ANH và link để Activation (phải activate mới khỏi bị làm phiền).

trò này có vẽ hay nhĩ , nhưng khi cài thì hơi nặng , đến 1.4 mb lận ;;) nhưng hko sao . chơi vui lắm
Last edited by a moderator:


New Member
Cài vào N73 thì OK,vào icon không được.có lẽ không hỗ trợ cho máy không có Acclerometer rùi!


New Member
Sẵn tiện hướng dẫn cách Activation đi bạn, mình làm mà ko được, thanks trước nha.


New Member
cái này chỉ xài dc trên N95 với N81 thôi thử trên s60v3 # ko dc cài dc ko chơi dc


New Member
Active như thế nào nhĩ?
Nó gửi cho em cái mail như thế này đây!


Thank you for your time filling out the questionnaire.
This is your activation code relevant to the IMEI number 356962014157268 and mobile phone number 84977779037 you provided:


To use it, just go to Options > Activate in MirageMoney2 and fill in this code with your mobile number used in the questionnaire form.
Please save this activation code to use it when you install MirageMoney2 again on the same phone in the future. You will not need then to go through the Activation Process again.

We really hope you enjoy playing MirageMoney2!

Best Regards
MirageMoney Team"
Active như thế nào nhĩ?
Nó gửi cho em cái mail như thế này đây!


Thank you for your time filling out the questionnaire.
This is your activation code relevant to the IMEI number 356962014157268 and mobile phone number 84977779037 you provided:


To use it, just go to Options > Activate in MirageMoney2 and fill in this code with your mobile number used in the questionnaire form.
Please save this activation code to use it when you install MirageMoney2 again on the same phone in the future. You will not need then to go through the Activation Process again.

We really hope you enjoy playing MirageMoney2!

Best Regards
MirageMoney Team"

Cái số đỏ đó là code đăng ký đó:|