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Momo v3.0.0 - App Memo, Sync, Diary, Email...


Super V.I.P
momo (Memo, Sync, Diary)
Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99
Released: Aug 25, 2009
Size: 0.7 MB
Seller: MiAe Hyun
Latest version: 3.0.0

momo' is a memo application which sync with the web. Share a memo via Twitter, Facebook & e-mail with a photo.

* Import your existing memos to momo : Outlook notes, Palm Desktop memos, Daynotez and Journler can be imported to momo via web interface. (http://momolog.com)

* Like a Memo pad : every kind of memo - recipes, ideas, wishLists, and phone numbers with photos.

* Like a Diary/Journal : your history - what you did, what happened to you, what your looked and what you thought today.

* Your lifetime database : Leave your entire private memos on momo and search them anytime anywhere. You don't have to memorize everything.

* Timeline for your life : Check what you thought, what you did on certain day with momo. Remember the moment with series of records.

* the Web application : Manage all your memos with an any web browser on your Mac/PC without the additional program installation. ( http://momolog.com )

** Features **
- Full Landscape mode : for easy typing
- Rich Text Editing : bulleted list, undo-redo button.
- Sync : view/edit/add/remove the memos on the web
- Photo : attach a photo to memo and view it on the web
- Tagging : attach the tag to memo and sort the memos by tag
- Smart Lists : like iTunes Smart Playlists. For example, A smart list with saved criteria of past week for the period, tagged with todo, and containing the word done will find and list the memos that were created last week, tagged todo, and use the word done in the contents. This list will update live as your memos change.
- Customizing : theme colors, font, the lines of memo preview and compact mode
- Lockcode : lock the application
- Calendar : array the memos by date or month
- Search : search the memos by its content
- Share : send the memos with photo via e-mail, Twitter or Facebook.

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