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WritePad Pro v2.0 - App Ghi Chú Chuyên Nghiệp!


Super V.I.P
WritePad Pro
Stan Miasnikov
Category: Productivity
Price: $9.99
Released: Jul 20, 2009
Size: 3.8 MB
Seller: Stan Miasnikov
Latest version: 2.0

WritePad Professional is the ultimate organizer for Notes, Events, Affairs, and Voice Notes for iPhone and iPod Touch.

- WritePad Affairs is an affairs (tasks, jobs, contracts, etc.) organizer that uses the WritePad editor for text entry. You can create, edit, search, and filter affairs stored in the database.

- WritePad Events is an events organizer that uses the WritePad editor for text entry. You can create, edit, search, and filter events stored in the database.

- WritePad Voice Notes allows users to record and play back various voice notes and sounds and organize then by name, date, priority, and category.

- WritePad Notes is a notes organizer that uses the WritePad editor for text entry. You can create, edit, search, and filter notes stored in the database.

WritePad Pro is also a text editor that utilizes advanced handwriting recognition input for the English language as well as iPhone keyboard for text entry, and includes spell checker, context analyzer, and standard editing operations such as copy, cut, paste, etc. It recognizes cursive, print, and mixed handwriting styles. To enter the text you can simply write with your finger on the iPhone screen in either landscape or portrait mode employing your own handwriting style. It also allows easily switching between the handwriting recognition and the standard iPhone keyboard.

In addition, WritePad Pro allows users to export (import) notes, affairs, and events as CSV file and upload/download data files from the desktop PC using Internet browser. WritePad Sync Lite free helper application can be used on the desktop to detect WritePad file service on the network and is available on PhatWare web site for download. This CSV file is compatible with Microsoft Outlook Tasks CSV files allowing users to import tasks from Outlook. Any affair can be sent via email with the touch of a single button.

Benefits and Features

* Organize your affairs, notes, events, and voice notes on your iPhone or iPod Touch in multiple folders.

* Sort items and folders by dates, subject, priority, and other fields.

* Filter and search items and folders by characters or words in the subject field.

* Use advanced handwriting recognition engine or iPhone keyboard for text entry in landscape or portrait mode.

* Cut, copy, and paste text between affairs, notes, and events.

* Take picture with iPhone built-in camera or select an existing picture and attach it to any event.

* Obtain event's current location using iPhone location services.

* Send affairs, notes, and events via email or export (import) affairs as CSV file (compatible with Microsoft Outlook Tasks).

* Improve your productivity by using built-in spell checker, context analyzer, and shorthand features while editing text.

* Use built-in HTTP file server to exchange data files between device and desktop computer (get free WritePad Sync Lite for Windows and Mac OS at www.phatware.com/writepad)

* Exchange items with other iPhone devices connected to the local WiFi

Được coi là một app ghi chú đầy đủ và hay nhất trên app store hiện nay...
Với đầy đủ những chức năng chuyên nghiệp mà người dùng cần thiết phải có như: tạo, chỉnh sửa, tìm kiếm, copy, cắt dán text, và bộ lọc cho những ghi chú mà bạn muốn làm việc trên đó. Ngoài ra app còn có HTTP file server được cài đặt trong app để bạn có thể trao đổi dữ liệu với máy pc hoặc với các iphone khác khi nối mạng wifi....

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