• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn



New Member
Chết sặc tiết chứ không phải phát khiếp :(:)(:)(:)(:)(( nhưng dù gì cũng cám ơn bạn rất nhiều

thế chắc giờ PA cũng không nghĩ rằng đàn ông sẽ có người không "hư" nữa chứ :-?

hư một chút, nhưng trong tâm luôn nhớ tới vợ con là được rồi ;;)


Super V.I.P
Khu này là nói tiếng anh mà.Sao toàn nói tiếng việt thê :-?:-?:-?:-?


New Member
so hot, tired, headache. what does f.ing mean of vacation? i did never can touch and reach it.

W does hell is that ? nop way man. B2 Visa going to finish...... a better side.


New Member
a better day I guess. going the Mokdahan-a pro in the midl of thai-Lao. hope have tesco lotus there then can shopping a bit ;;)

from now on can get b2 Visa already. shit, wait for so long. but anyway, it done. ;)


New Member
just morning, a lot of things waiting for do already. dunno how everything will be finished but it MUST be :((


New Member

Im ok, Jun

Just keep being pretty single woman as always :p
Well if its Engagement, then i get very surprised. are you serious ?
dnt forget to answer my question..wowwwww wots wrong with me??

just don't know why when all the time chat with you like that. yes, I'm Engagement already. I knew it could make you feel down... but how. You and me were born not for each other. :-/
We did never say goodbye, but we both knew that we never can far again. We've too much different and we've too much space between us.
I'm a normal man with normal job and normal family. You'r nice girl with everythings other people were wish 2've. the distance making us never can near each other, never can see each other for 6 yrs over.
But i knew and happy when you sad, feel down ... the one you want to talk was me, the one you want to see and near was me...

we never hurt each other, but we also could not take care each other...we stop not cos of bored, we stop cos no way out...

I scare one day we'll meet each other, our love fire will firing again 8-| thats why 6 yrs over I scare for see you and I knew so you are.



New Member
No problem we will only succeed if we work together. I will check and we can fix it together if there are missing.
Best regards,
Julien Pescheux
yes, we only succeed if we work together, but why all time I've to do all the shit work alone ?

Shit work or good work just a cm. today still've a way for walk. just hope, all shit are on back. dunno what and when will be done.


New Member
well, everything under control. I hope so, today is nice day,

can I enjoin some thing... ;;) but anyway 've limited also ;)

keep going guys, nothing is impossible until it impossible :D