BlackDiamond 3.0 Touch
By Dr.DoT.
Plz don't set the OmapClockPlus more than 240MHz.
Base Rom:
OS 5.2.1908 Build 18508.0.7.0
Rom Fixes:
Busy tone problem and missed call problem and some other bugs.
Extra Software:
- Microsoft Office Mobile 2007
- HTC CommManager Touch with 10 Button
- BT FTP v1.2 B30214
- HTC Audio Manager v1.2
- HTC Audio Manager Today Plugin v1.0 B227714
- HTC Touch HOME
- HTC X-Button v1.51 B30229
- HTC WMP Skin
- ArcSoft MMS
- Voice Speed Dialer v1.2 B070612
- Windows Live NEW!!
- Eye On Privacy 0.61 (password: 1234)Thanks to:OCTAIVOI
- SMS Service
- psShutXP
- Smartkey
- HTC Touchflo
- Notepad 1.4
- HTC GIFAnimation
- HTC TouchDialer
- HTC TaskManager
- Bluetooth Explorer
- SymbolPad
- Pocket RAR 3.6
- WM5torage 1.75
- PIM Backup 2.5
- SMS Backup
- HTC Bt home
- Hibernate 1.4
- 1-Calc
- WM5NewMenu
- SIM Manager 6.25
- Internet Sharing
- Remote Desktop Mobile
- Black Keyboard skin
- Smartskey
- Total Commander 2.5
- Dr.Yar Bluetooth 1.6 Thanks to: its right
- Advanced Config Tool 1.0
- Network Plugin 1.0.29714
- BioTouch Settings v1.22
- FreeButton Cube
- UI Tweaker
- ClearTemp
- BtCrawler
- Pocket Screen Capture
- MobileJustice
- SyncroTime
- Omap Clock Plus 0.4
- Task Switch
- PT Explorer
- HTC Voice Recorder v1.10
- WM5Color Changer
- Touchflo Settings v1.2
- VistaHide Battery Gauge
- MS Hearts ->Extra game.
- 3 Extra Ring Tone.
Enable 802.11g
Disable Security Warning
Disable Error reporting
EDGE icon
Slide-out keyboard capsdot
and more....
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