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You are now chatting with 'Abby'.
Cong Dinh: Hi
Abby: Welcome to Microsoft Customer Service Chat. How may I help you today, Cong?
Cong Dinh: I by HTC HD7
Cong Dinh: Use Windows phone 7
Cong Dinh: Can you help me active
Abby: Alright. Let me assist you in getting an activation code. May I ask for your phone number?
Cong Dinh: My Englisk not well
Cong Dinh: +84988880880
Cong Dinh: Thanks
Abby: That's fine.
Abby: May I have your telephone number please? Example +5678568568
Cong Dinh: Can you send SMS
Abby: Thank you. While checking the information you provided, please ready your phone and pull up the activation screen where you need to enter the code.
Cong Dinh: Ok
Cong Dinh: Thank a lot
Abby: I would be providing you an activation code. Kindly keep this code somewhere safe in case you have to access it again. You will need your code if you ever have to reset your phone. Please do not share your code with anyone else.
Cong Dinh: Yes
Abby: Please hold on while I process your activation code.
Abby: Thank you for waiting.
Cong Dinh: Oh
Abby: Here's your activation code: QTGSL-T3VB2-SLGL9-9G2F9-QWHMR
Abby: Please enter the product key on the activation code field on your Windows Phone 7 then hit “Activate”.
Abby: Did the code work and have I fully resolved your concern for today?
Abby: Okay.
Cong Dinh: Sory can my phone +841262888888
Abby: Please use the activation code above.
Abby: Did the code work?
Cong Dinh: I am re login
Cong Dinh: Thanks a lot
Cong Dinh: It is OK!
Abby: You're most welcome. It’s my pleasure assisting you today. You are a valuable customer to Microsoft and we are glad to give you consistent and effective service.
Abby: By the way, Microsoft values your feedback about the quality of service that you received today. We will be sending you an email survey and I would like to request you to share your opinion. Our goal is to continuously improve and provide great customer service to you.
Abby: Thank you for using Microsoft Customer Service Chat. Please feel free to come back again. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Have a great day.
Chat session has been terminated by the agent.