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Cập nhật theme cho S60v5

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I'm so Sexy theme




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Auriel v1.3 by dsma

Dsma Comment :
Archive with the theme contains - 3 versions of the theme with icons from Seth Mac, 3 versions of the theme with icons firmware pack Wallpaper + framed under own 3 versions of icons for Opera.
The idea of themes borrowed from its PC counterpart, whose author Mattias © link
Original wallpaper by all the same - Mattias, I just sketched them in vector ...
Authors Wallpaper - Adam Moore, Emmanuel Grenat, Mike Shaw ... this time I offer a selection of LPs oboychikov (in my opinion)
I want to thank Grange, NCA, OlegF for testing my work ...
Themes By Dsma.... Auriel v1.3 (update 01/April/10)

18.09.2009 Update to version 1.2:
- Changed player under the realities of the firmware 31
- Changed the status of a thin bar at the realities of the firmware 31
- Changed the main screen
- 3 original version: Blue, Green, Pink
- A bunch of minor fixes

31.03.2010 Update to Version 1.3:
- Added icons in the XM bar
- Added Highlight for the 40th firmware
- Just a little added icons


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