Xtension^4 by michael_ta315
- Xtreme menu added
- Disabled key lightning
- Disabled lock/unlock vibration
- New custom splash screen
- Glide effects + Speed 2 effects
Thanks for his good work! +1
Download link:
To get maximum free memory of your phone, please use this
UDA file
Xtension^5 for 5530 now released!
Variant 1
- Xtreme Menu with corrected Music Icon
- Enabled keylights
- Disabled lock/unlock vibration
- CPU clocked at 400Hz+(May drain the battery faster)
- Widgetizer 1.03 with N97 Clock
- Bootscreen + Bootsound added
- Splashscreen + Shutdown screens added
- Theme effects: Rush by Mr. G
- Fastest among all (Tested by Upakul)
- Tsunami on Z [ N97 Version + Nokia Full Icons + Homesrceen default layout edited ]
Download link: