DeathV4.1 by shogunmark Fixed
Tiếp theo của V3.5 là V4
Dòn rom này được cook trên nền 3.55 AT&T build mà ko theo trường phái Đái a mông
ROM của shogunmart nhanh, ổn định và pin trâu hơn mí bản rom khác
Các bác cùng nhau test và nhận xét nào :-?
CE version: 3.55.502.1
OS build: Windows Mobile 6.1 AKU 1.0.4 Build 19214
First and formost its impossible to thank everyone involved, so to keep it short and sweet im just going to thank the whole community!
There is no radio or splash that comes with this. Its an OS only!
Random Access
Schaps advanced Config
MOdaco app to date
Modaco Cameraware
Modaco donate
Black Keyboard skin
Total commander (Has XDA ftp values cooked in)
Clear Temp
6 button comm manager (now closable with task manager)
Dope wars
Flash video bundle
HTC connection setup (however phone is already pre-configured for ATT, and its made to not auto-start)
HTC DIamond MP3 Trimmer
HTC Direct show
HTC Task manager
INcax Control panel and Live Media
MS Hearts
Nadavi Camera
HTC Album
Various O2 plugins
SMS scheduler
TCPMP 72rc1
Thumbcal (In honor of retired mod Meschle! you will be missed)
Wifi profile
You tube player
Cubicle chaos
HHC HTC home customizer
OPera 9.5 build 1126
Personal DIgital clock plugin
Slide 2 PLay
and numerous reg tweaks! (dual networking, button 6 mappable, 1.2k mms, Bluetooth OBEX enabled, and many many others!)
SQL issue is fixed trackme pro and beejive both work
This also contains the stock dialer with a darker theme to it. I havent found one that worked reliably that i liked, i am ALWAYS open for suggestions!
Screen shots show SOTI pocket controller, THIS IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE ROM
There is also a new hard spl in the rar file.. please see this thread on instruction on how to flash hard spl:
I am a link, click me for the rom
Tiếp theo của V3.5 là V4
Dòn rom này được cook trên nền 3.55 AT&T build mà ko theo trường phái Đái a mông
ROM của shogunmart nhanh, ổn định và pin trâu hơn mí bản rom khác
Các bác cùng nhau test và nhận xét nào :-?
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