sign online nè bn tự đọc và hiểu đi:
gpsp4Symbian requires the SWEvent capability. The SwEvent is required for key mapping: Now you can map call/end call etc. buttons for the gpsp usage. Therefore the following step is required to install the SW. Go to SymbianSigned and sign the gpsp4Symbian.sis for your own phone IMEI
using free Open Signed Online option https:// this operation should be free of any charge.
Read carefully the instructions on the SymbianSigned site.
You must give them Your Phone IMEI (you can obtain it digiting *# 06# on your phone) Your EMAIL Address gpsp4Symbian SIS Package And then the symbiansigned should email you the signed gpsp4Symbianfor your phone. This package will be installable ONLY on your phone. This procedure works for all Symbian S60V5 Phones. I had also to change to date on the phone into yesterday to get it working..