Super V.I.P
Công cụ để bung các file UDA và Rofs trên các dòng S60v3,S60v5 và Sym^3 để Cook FW,tất nhiên là vẫn không thể bung Core
.Tool mới này cho phép bạn Cook file UDA trên dòng Sym^3
Chú ý : Chưa can thiệp được Rofs của Sym^3 nhé,sẽ bị die phone
Chú ý : Chưa can thiệp được Rofs của Sym^3 nhé,sẽ bị die phone

Now it is possible to edit ROFS and UDA easily, using drag & drop.
CORE and image can't be repacked yet!
PLEASE NOTE: this tool is very easy to use, but it is always a tool for expert and smart people, it is not for everyone!
If you remove or replace some critical system component, your phone will dead at 100%, you have to know exactly which is the purpose of the files that you remove/replace!
WARNING: Not all the ROFS can be modded! Modding a "protected" ROFS could brick your phone.
If you haven't successfully modded the ROFS of your phone before, I suggest you to edit only the UDA/FAT.
N8 ROFS seems to be protected, so it would be better if you don't mod it... but you can freely mod the N8 UDA/FAT!