SCleaner v0.03 EN by c.P.u1
Phần mềm dọc dẹp rác trên Mobile !
Không muốn dùng Google dịch bừa nên anh em theo dõi nguyên bản EN nhé !
SCleaner - a program for cleaning your phone, with its auto-load, as well as for the backup necessary data and their subsequent recovery. Also the program allows the possibility of custom plugins (currently only at the initial stage of implementation).
- Implementation of deleting files from the given list (cleaning);
- Progress bar removal processes and copying;
- View programs in Startup (currently only viewing);
- Create a backup of files and a directory;
- Restoration of the created backup kopiei;
- 3 demonstration plug for the common notion that planned.
- Now the program can be installed in the phone memory and memory card, but better there, where there is a python;
- In the installation package added module firmware;
- Fixed the appearance of duplicate files in the root directory at installation;
- A little Podpravlena Help;
- In инфу added information about the phone model;
- Fixed rewind at the end of the screen;
- Changed selection lists with "checkbox" on the "checkmark", that is, now select the lists by pressing the "#";
- Added function to create a backup (but so far have problems with Cyrillic instead of file names and folders kryakozyabry);
- When backing up the user is prompted to choose the future of the archive
- Added function restoration from the backup;
- Slightly reworked menu structure;
- Added icons in the menu;
- Increased download time, as long loaded icons.
Note: To use all the functions needed full access to the system folder or through capsoff open4all!
The file must sign or install on the smartphone, open full access.