C:\Private folder:
DBS_100065FF_Contacts.cdb - Contacts Database
DBS_100069CC_btregistry - Bluetooth device List
DBS_10207216_SWinsLog.db - Instalation log of Softwares
\1000395b\Calendar - Calendar File
\10003A73\Cntmodel.ini - Speed dial Numbers
\1000484b\Mail\ - Mail Folder (SMS)
\101F413C\SIPprofiles.dat - SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Profiles
\101F4668\UnitConverter.ini - Stored Exchange Rates in the Converter
\101F8530\Cookies - Browser Cookies
\101875a\Startup\ - Startup Files ?
\102072CC\SIMLanguage.dat - Current selected language of the SIM
\20003252\Menuketserver.ini - (This File is in the Startup List)
\10003A3F\import\apps\ - All your shortcuts to installed applications are saved in here in .RSC format, simply rename the .RSC to .RSCX to temporarily remove them from Menu, you can rename .RSCX back to .RSC later on.
\101f401d\Logdbu.dat is the log file.
\101F4CD2\Applications.dat is the file that holds the settings and locations of icons and custom folders located on your
phone's MENU.
C:\resource\apps - Chứa file MIF làm icon cho các phần mềm
C:\sys\data\mmcstore - Chứa pass thẻ nhớ
1. C:\private\10000850\ File mbm làm operator logos
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