Super V.I.P
ReliRescue GPS v.
* Supports internal GPS or external Bluetooth GPS.
* Supports Smartphone versions of Windows Mobile
* Supports location broadcast over your Phone's SMS (Short Message Service).
* Status display: Speed, Alt, Destination to WP, Time to WP, SMS status and more...
* Supports recording a compressed track log
* Data features:
o Connecting to the Internet through GPRS/UMTS/WiFi/USB
o Sending compressed track log to an email receiver.
o Translation of track log to Google KML (screen shot, sample KMZ file) and FAI IGC formats by server side (which sends email)
* SMS Broadcast features:
o Supports broadcast to multiple phone numbers
o Supports periodic interval broadcasts (5, 10, 30 ... minutes)
o Supports reducing the amount of sent SMS messages by sending them only if you are on the move.
o Supports automatic detection of "landing/crash" situation and sends a message.
o Records a log of sent messages, so you'd know how many messages were sent and get their status.
* New:
o Power saving option to maximize battery life
o Fault tolerance: Cell tower detection and retry operation
o Night display, for seekers driving by night
o Automatic Broadcast notification on Low battery - useful to find your phone if lost...
o Responds query SMS
for example, if you enable remote query and the access password is 0000
the phone will send it's location upon receiving the SMS message r$0000