Đến đoạn "Pooling phone...
Phone not found..." thì bạn ấn NO nhé.
điện thoại em bây giờ dead lun rùi flash dead hoài ko đuợc nó cứ lên thông báo này
03:11:2010 15:46 -> Changing mode...03:11:2010 15:46 -> Done!
03:11:2010 15:47 -> JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 9000D391
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Card life counter: 99.99%
03:11:2010 15:47 -> P-key nokia module version 01.02
03:11:2010 15:47 -> FBUS INTERFACE NOT CONNECTED!!!
03:11:2010 15:47 -> USB Cable Driver version:
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Changing mode...03:11:2010 15:47 -> Done!
03:11:2010 15:47 -> FILES SET FOR FLASHING:
03:11:2010 15:47 -> MCU Flash file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> PPM Flash file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> CNT Flash file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> APE Variant file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-180\
03:11:2010 15:47 ->
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Searching for default location of ini...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Checking path: \Products\RM-180\
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-180\
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Scanning ini files...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Searching for default location of ini...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Checking path: \Products\RM-180\
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-180\
03:11:2010 15:47 -> FILES SET FOR FLASHING:
03:11:2010 15:47 -> MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-180\rm180_50706401.c0
03:11:2010 15:47 -> PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-180\RM180_50706401.V12
03:11:2010 15:47 -> CNT Flash file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> APE Variant file: NONE
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Languages in ppm: English,Trad Chinise,Indian
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Backing up CRT...
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Detected P-KEY: 9000D391
03:11:2010 15:47 -> P-key nokia module version 01.02
03:11:2010 15:47 -> Init usb communication...
03:11:2010 15:48 -> Failed to backup CRT...
03:11:2010 15:48 -> Detected P-KEY: 9000D391
03:11:2010 15:48 -> P-key nokia module version 01.02
03:11:2010 15:48 -> Init usb communication...
03:11:2010 15:48 -> PRESS POWER ON NOW!
Searching for phone...03:11:2010 15:48 -> Not found!!!