• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn

Hướng dẫn sử dụng J.A.F chi tiết.


New Member
Sao nó tới đây là đứng yên luôn
JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 9000C565
Card life counter: 99.99%
P-key nokia module version 01.02
USB Cable Driver version:
Changing mode...Done!
Searching for phone...Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
MCU SW version: V ICPR82_10w07.5
(c) Nokia
HW version: 0803
PCI version: 
RFIC version: 
DSP version: 
APE SW Core version: 031.023
APE Variant version: 031.023031.023.44.01031.023.C00.01
APE Test version: 0.029
Retu version: 40
Tahvo version: 00
APE HW version: 256
APE ADSP SW version: 256
APE BT version: HCI Version 12 (rev. 8192). LMP Version 12 (rev. 0). Manufacturer 12652.
Production serial number: CDI103795
Product code: 0587055
Module code: 
Basic production code: 0583553
Flash code: 
Order number: 
Product specific data: 
Long production SN: 0
Default SN type: 
IMEI plain: 355239039739219
IMEI spare to net: 3A 55 32 09 93 37 29 01 
IMEI SV to net: 33 55 32 09 93 37 29 41 F5 


CONFIG KEY: 2440700000000000
Provider: AT&T;U.S.A. (3650)
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0

Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 

Loading INI list...
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0587055
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-530\

Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\
Scanning ini files...
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_prd.core.fpsx
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_44.01_Vietnam_QW_prd.rofs2.fpsx
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_C00.01_DEFAULT_prd.rofs3.fpsx
APE Variant file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_U000.000_prd.uda.fpsx
Backing up CRT...
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading IMEI...
C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\355239039739219_CRT_backup_220244.pm
Backup CRT OK!
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...ICPR82_10w07.5 
Reading battery value...4123 mV
Init usb flashing...
Reading flashid... 
CMT: 005800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database
APE: 00000000 <=> Flash -> not detected
Verifing ADL communication... Status byte 7
Rebooting to flash mode...
Waiting for the phone to reboot...
Searching for phone...
Sending RAW loader...
This flash file don't support DEAD USB FLASHING!
Error booting phone...


Super V.I.P
Sao nó tới đây là đứng yên luôn
JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 9000C565
Card life counter: 99.99%
P-key nokia module version 01.02
USB Cable Driver version:
Changing mode...Done!
Searching for phone...Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
MCU SW version: V ICPR82_10w07.5
(c) Nokia
HW version: 0803
PCI version: 
RFIC version: 
DSP version: 
APE SW Core version: 031.023
APE Variant version: 031.023031.023.44.01031.023.C00.01
APE Test version: 0.029
Retu version: 40
Tahvo version: 00
APE HW version: 256
APE ADSP SW version: 256
APE BT version: HCI Version 12 (rev. 8192). LMP Version 12 (rev. 0). Manufacturer 12652.
Production serial number: CDI103795
Product code: 0587055
Module code: 
Basic production code: 0583553
Flash code: 
Order number: 
Product specific data: 
Long production SN: 0
Default SN type: 
IMEI plain: 355239039739219
IMEI spare to net: 3A 55 32 09 93 37 29 01 
IMEI SV to net: 33 55 32 09 93 37 29 41 F5 


CONFIG KEY: 2440700000000000
Provider: AT&T;U.S.A. (3650)
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0

Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN 

Loading INI list...
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0587055
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-530\

Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\
Scanning ini files...
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_prd.core.fpsx
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_44.01_Vietnam_QW_prd.rofs2.fpsx
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_C00.01_DEFAULT_prd.rofs3.fpsx
APE Variant file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-530\rm530_031.023_U000.000_prd.uda.fpsx
Backing up CRT...
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading IMEI...
C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\355239039739219_CRT_backup_220244.pm
Backup CRT OK!
Detected P-KEY: 9000C565
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...ICPR82_10w07.5 
Reading battery value...4123 mV
Init usb flashing...
Reading flashid... 
CMT: 005800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database
APE: 00000000 <=> Flash -> not detected
Verifing ADL communication... Status byte 7
Rebooting to flash mode...
Waiting for the phone to reboot...
Searching for phone...
Sending RAW loader...
This flash file don't support DEAD USB FLASHING!
Error booting phone...
Bản này chưa supptort flash USB cho E72, dùng bản 1.98.66 hoặc dùng Phoenix nhé.


New Member
Dùng J.A.F. downgrade Firmware cho Nokia E61i từ 3.0633.069.00 xuống 1.063 đc ko ?


New Member
Cho mình hỏi, mình up firmware Illuvial cho Nokia 5530, chọn INF xong chọn flash xong nó chạy tới chỗ "Stage 2 is starting..." rồi nó đứng yên luôn ko thấy chạy gì hết là sao vậy?


New Member
em làm đến đây thì tịt như thế là làm sao vây các anh em lam giống như hướng dẫn mà?
JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 90009E79
Card life counter: 99.99%
P-key nokia module version 01.02
USB Cable Driver version:
Changing mode...Done!
Searching for phone...Detected P-KEY: 90009E79
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
MCU SW version: V ICPR72_10w04.5
(c) Nokia
HW version: 1101
PCI version:
RFIC version:
DSP version:
APE SW Core version: V 50.0.005
APE Variant version: V 50.0.005V 50.0.005 V 50.0.005
APE Test version: eno_version
Retu version: 16
Tahvo version: 22
APE HW version: 256
APE ADSP SW version: 256
APE BT version: HCI Version 12 (rev. 8192). LMP Version 12 (rev. 0). Manufacturer 12708.
Content Pack version: v 40.0.002_023_xxx_U01
Production serial number: CCH956202
Product code: 0559962
Module code:
Basic production code: 0558954
Flash code:
Order number:
Product specific data:
Long production SN: 0
Default SN type:
IMEI plain: 354182024344424
IMEI spare to net: 3A 45 81 02 42 43 44 02
IMEI SV to net: 33 45 81 02 42 43 44 62 F0


CONFIG KEY: 2440700000000000
Provider: AT&T;U.S.A. (3650)
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0

Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN

Loading INI list...
Detected P-KEY: 90009E79
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0559962
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\

Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-356\
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\
Scanning ini files...
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-356\
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_50.0.005_prd.core.C00
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_50.0.005_prd.rofs2.V20
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_50.0.005_C02_prd.rofs3.fpsx
APE Variant file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_50.0.005_026_000_U01.uda.fpsx
Languages in ppm: English,Vietnamese,Tagalog,Chinese Simpl,Chinese Trad
Backing up CRT...
Detected P-KEY: 90009E79
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading IMEI...
C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\354182024344424_CRT_backup_134689.pm
Backup CRT OK!
Detected P-KEY: 90009E79
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...ICPR72_10w04.5 50.0.005
Reading battery value...3899 mV
Init usb flashing...
Reading flashid...
CMT: 004000EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> KAT00F00RA
APE: 00000000 <=> Flash -> not detected
Verifing ADL communication... Status byte 7
Rebooting to flash mode...
Waiting for the phone to reboot...
Searching for phone...
Sending RAW loader...
Using 009.012.005
Elf2flash 09.11.000
CMT RAW loader...
Patching RAW boot step1...
Patching RAW boot step2...
Patching RAW boot step3...
Sending RAW Loader...
....................Loader Sent!
Stage 2 starting.................


New Member
JAF này đã chạy đc trên Win 7 chưa các a nhỉ :)
Tính Up cái E75 mà k biết nó có chạy đc k nữa


New Member
mấy anh ơi em upfw con n82 sao ko đc vậy
khi bấm vào flash nó hiện ra thế này la sao nhĩ

Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...06wk41v64.4 31.0.016
Reading battery value...3627 mV
Battery level is too low...Please make full charge and try again!

anh em nào biết chỉ dùm em đc ko a
cảm ơn anh em nhiền


Super V.I.P
mấy anh ơi em upfw con n82 sao ko đc vậy
khi bấm vào flash nó hiện ra thế này la sao nhĩ

Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...06wk41v64.4 31.0.016
Reading battery value...3627 mV
Battery level is too low...Please make full charge and try again!

anh em nào biết chỉ dùm em đc ko a
cảm ơn anh em nhiền
Đúng là chuối cả nải, pin sắp hết thì nó ko cho flash là phải rồi.:|


New Member
mà anh ơi hôm nay em mua vỏ nokia n82 ỡ ngoai về e thay vào thì camera ngoài sau ko hoạt động nữa là sao anh ơi
em chỉ thaod ra lại lắp vào thui mà.giờ camera sau ko thềm hoạt đông lun.


New Member
CMT: 2C7E0001 <=> SPANSION -> 72NS128N
APE: 004000EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> KAT00F00RA
Verifing ADL communication... Status byte 2
Scanning selected flash files...
Flash files are corupted or missing...

nó hiện như thế này là sao mấy anh ơi


New Member
lên trang chủ có bản mới nhất là bản JAF Setup 1.98.65 final, a e có crack ko cho mình xin. thank ! à bản mới final xài ngon hơn bản cũ ko ?

mình tìm trên mạng thì thấy có bản ko cần OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator, link nó này http://www.4shared.com/get/115245648...862_setup.html dùng có # gi` bản này ko, thank !
Last edited by a moderator:


Super V.I.P
lên trang chủ có bản mới nhất là bản JAF Setup 1.98.65 final, a e có crack ko cho mình xin. thank ! à bản mới final xài ngon hơn bản cũ ko ?

mình tìm trên mạng thì thấy có bản ko cần OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator, link nó này http://www.4shared.com/get/115245648...862_setup.html dùng có # gi` bản này ko, thank !
Chịu khó search trc khi hỏi nhé, mình đã post lên bản JAF 1.98.65 và 1.98.66 rồi đấy.