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Du mất 1 đêm mới chỉnh xong bằng UE,vẫn ko phải hoán hảo.
bạn có 2 còn đường để chọn,1 là lấy bán thành phẩm txt của Du chuyển qua mdx mà ko phải tự chỉnh lại từ đầu.2 là nếu bạn thật sự muốn biết quá trình THAY THẾ trong UE thì chuẩn bị tâm lý nhức đầu chung với Du nha
(trình độ tiếng V của Du mà dám ảo tưởng nói cho rõ về chuyện này sẽ chắc chắn khó khăn hơn sự nghe của bạn

A level noun
ADJ. mock I did all right in my mock A levels and then failed the real exams.
VERB + A LEVEL do, sit, take She's doing her A levels this year. | retake | do well in, pass | do badly in, fail, flunk | have She has four A levels. | prepare for, revise for He can't come out?he's revising for his A levels.
A LEVEL + NOUN course | exam | preparation, revision | paper, questions | grades, results
PREP. in your ~s What grades did you get in your A levels? | ~ in He's got A levels in maths and history.
abandon verb
1 leave sb/sth
ADV. hastily The village had been hastily abandoned.
PHRASES be found/left abandoned The car was found abandoned in a nearby town.
2 stop doing/supporting sth
ADV. altogether, completely, entirely, totally The government does not propose to abandon the project altogether. | effectively, largely, virtually This principle has now been effectively abandoned. | simply Traditional policies were simply abandoned. | formally | quickly | quietly The plans for reform were quietly abandoned. | temporarily | voluntarily
VERB + ABANDON be forced to | decide to
PREP. for He abandoned the army for politics. | in favour of She abandoned teaching career in favour of sport.
abashed adj.
VERBS be, look
ADV. a little, slightly | suitably He glanced at Juliet accusingly and she looked suitably abashed.