Có lẽ tùy máy mà nó chạy tôt hay kô nên cứ phải thử hết thôi, minh có dùng qua (chuyển hết về 00ramdisk):
ROM Log out * 2
Hima_WM2005_3.35a.00RAM TofclockBuzdev
AKU 3.2 24MB Pagepool and 40MB RAMDisk WWE From c_shekhar
kết quả là giữ cái c_shekhar lại + xóa bớt khỏi ROM mấy cái không dùng bao giờ
61 MB RAM --> 101MB Program
40 MB RAMDisk --> 00MB RAMDISK
ClearType Enabled
Error Reporting Removed
Crystal Blue KB Skin (REMOVED)
ClearVue PDF reader (REMOVED)
ClearVue Powerpoint (REMOVED)
Dial PAD as input option (REMOVED)
Dictionary editor (Works with NETCF v1.0 and above) (REMOVED)
Neo tiles as game (REMOVED)
Rubik cube as game (Works with NETCF v1.0 and above) (REMOVED)
Fast cleanup
Flight Mode (Works with NETCF v1.0 and above) (REMOVED)
Fonts viewer (REMOVED)
Single Line Date/time plugin (REMOVED)
O2 last Call plugin (REMOVED)
O2 Battery/Operator plugin (REMOVED)
rLCalendar by vijay555 (REMOVED)
Call filter (ETEN)
Scenarios (ETEN)
Speed Dial (ETEN) (REMOVED)
SmartDialing included
SoftKeyAppletEx included in Personnal setting
GBSoftTweak included in System setting (REMOVED)
SmsAlertFix included
ScreenRotateFix included with trayicon
BT suspend fix included
2nd Power icon removed
Hardware Buttons fix included
Select All contacts and delete selected (More than one) contacts in the option menu in Contacts
WM5 newMenu
WM5 Storage 1.7
Task MAnager 1.9 (REMOVED)
TCPMP media player (REMOVED)
3 Nos of today themes (REMOVED)
bạn cứ cài dùng thử hết một lượt thì mới chắc ngon hay không